App Setup
Android Studio
Extract .zip you download from Codecanyon, you will see some file and folder. We named project folder with “FuntoSpin“, the project location inside android_studio folder.
When your Android Studio ready you can open it
i) Select “Open an existing Android Studio Project“.
ii) Browse location Project and press “OK” button.
iii) Wait for few minutes until all process import has finished.
Change Package Name
You can change the package name by following these steps. Click link to view steps
Note :- You Package Name Should be unique and different.
Edit File
01. Update Purchasecode
replace with Your Purchase code
02. Update Applovin SDK
Replace your Applovin SDK KEY.
03. One Signal AppId
Replace with your AppId.
Check Complete File and Replace with Valid Data According to your App
Edit Strings.xml
Search App_id and Replace with Your Admob App Id.
Last updated